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Child ID: 6195

I am from Beluguppa and my birthday is 8/31/2014 so I'm 10 years old right now.

About Me:

Prakash is born into an impoverished family, with little money for food or living expenses, let alone for the cost of school fees. His father is unable to work due to health issues leaving his mother to work long hours as a house maid making a minimum wage of $1.50 per day. Prakash needs support for resources such as food and education to keep him off the streets.

Welcome to the town of Beluguppa! Beluguppa has a population of approximately 3,400 and is about 3km from the next largest town. The primary source of income for those living in this village is working in the fields as a farmhand or selling vegetables many miles away in the nearest town. Children will typically have to travel on foot to their school, which is about 3km away. Life in Beluguppa is not easy for most. The income of most parents is only a few dollars a day, which will feed the average household a few meals a week. Everyday struggles here are malnutrition, fatigue, and disease also due to malnutrition. Because of extreme poverty, some parents sell one or more of their children into labor camps or the sex trade to keep themselves and their other children from starvation or to ‘pay off debts’. When a child facing this situation becomes sponsored, the threat of trafficking ends. Sponsorship impacts each child and their whole family! Sponsorship covers food for the child, educational supplies, regular medical check-ups, as well as discipleship from a committed local pasto